How to Write Objectively

To effectively convince many readers of the validity of your main thesis, you will need to demonstrate objectivity in your writing. This is especially true of audiences who are averse to your position to begin with - any hint of subjectivity can give them the ammunition they need to immediately shoot it down.

Writing subjectively isn't particularly bad unlike what you'd think of it. If you are writing a personal letter, in fact, it's usually called for. For many forms of writing, though, it gets progressively difficult to get your message across the less objective you get.

So how do you write in a more objective manner? Here is what you can do for it, if you like, note these guides for you to remember it always:

Watch for "I." The easiest test of subjective bias is to watch out for the use of the first person pronoun, I. If you find the word showing up one or more times in your work, then it is likely you've erred on the side of subjective writing.

Be fair. Even though you're looking to push a particular point of view in your writing, it is only fair to acknowledge the opposing ideas. Make sure to give it, especially those that are valid, ample exposure, too.

Review your work. Apart from proofreading for grammar, fixing up your work with a writing software and editing for content, you will also need to review your work for objectivity. Try to gauge how non-partisan your work sounds and revise accordingly.

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